Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boo Boo Shower Gift

This is a great idea for a baby shower. You can get a cute basket and put these things into it with tissue paper in between... These gifts will not be duplicated at the shower and the newbie mom will thank you later for thinking ahead of her. Newbie Dad will thank you because he will not have to get out in the middle of the night to get one of these items
Give the unique baby shower gift everyone will be talking about for a long time.

Baby boo-boo kit – This kit can be a wonderful thing to have in the middle of the night and baby is not feeling well.

  • Forehead temperature indicator – Check for a fever.
  • Digital thermometer or ear thermometer – to get more of an accurate reading;
  • Gas drops - Like Mylicon, but double check with your pediatrician.
  • Motrin infants Drops – Again check with your pediatrician before giving, but this is great to have on hand for a small fever or teething.
  • Alcohol wipes - never know when the little one may have a scrape, cut, or dirt to be taken care of.
  • Medicine syringe – to distribute the given medicine.
  • Baby orajel - For those nights when the teething is worst.
  • Hand Sanitizer - To keep those germs away.
  • Safety swabs - Q-tips that will not damaged infants ears drums


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